Dyslexia Test

The Signs of Dyslexia

Children with dyslexia experience difficulty with speed and accuracy in reading. Reading too slow hinders comprehension. For proper comprehension a child must read sufficiently fast, so as to remember the thoughts and concepts being read about in the working memory.

The domain of reading encourages reading experience. The opposite (i.e. non-current ... as is the case for the dyslexic) creates a negative reading experience. When a child is still unable to read sentences and paragraphs with fluency, comprehension is very low, and the motivation to read decreases significantly. Reading becomes not only a struggle, but something that is painful and embarrassing for the child should see a doctor for dyslexia test.

The Need for Proper Assessment

Despite legislative efforts to fight against illiteracy, approximately 10% of children aged 7 and worse in reading, or can barely read at all. This means that there are thousands of children every day who have to go through the painful and humiliating experience of being unable to read properly and see a doctor for Dyslexia Test. Contrary to what some people might think, children with dyslexia can actually be above average intelligent, which makes the whole experience even more humiliating for them.

Every child that does not properly progress in reading deserves to be assessed. We offer a Free and accurate online Reading Dyslexia Test that assesses your child's reading for the possibility of Dyslexia.

What makes diagnosis of Dyslexia especially difficult is that one cannot simply place children in two groups: Those that have Dyslexia and those that do not. The ability and speed with which children learn to read differs between children: Each child is unique.

Free online Assessment

If you suspect that your child may have some form of reading disability, but are not sure, or if you want to know whether Dynaread will be able help your child overcome their dyslexia you can use our Free dyslexia test online assessment. To assess a child, please visit http://dynaread.com/assessment.

The Assessment will show the level of Dyslexia Test that the child has. Be assessed upon the severity of the level, we will recommend a sound course of action (whether or not your child will benefit from Dynaread).

After completing the dyslexia test online, you will also receive a professional assessment. The Assessment will allow you to stop guessing, and accurately determine what is keeping your child from properly progressing in their reading. 

Dyslexia Symptoms